‘Going Home’ by Harriet Evans is a great story about just that –going home. The novel is centred on main character Lizzy Walter and her return to her beloved family home for the annual family Christmas celebrations, only to discover the family tradition is at risk of being forever changed, when her parents tell them they have to sell the homestead. Lizzy refuses to let go of the place where she grew up and finds herself in a race against time to let her family keep their home and their family traditions intact.
Lizzy’s friends and family add great depth to the story, and Evans does a really good job of developing so many secondary characters. I thought Evans did an excellent job of capturing the feelings of returning to your childhood home, and the expectations surrounding such an adventure. I really identified with this novel, as I read it just after returning home from a trek to Canada to see my family (for the first time in a year).
Evans has a unique voice when it comes to her writing style and this is a satisfying read.

‘Going Home’ is written by Harriet Evans. For more information on the author or her books, visit her publisher’s website.
So there you go! I had the chance to read two books this weekend. It was easily one of the weirdest, yet relaxing, weekends we've had in a long time. We celebrated our 3rd anniversary with a trip to an italian restaurant that was more akin to a trip to the twilight zone. Everything about it was strange, and just a little...off. Sunday, we went for a walk and then I got to finish off my second book and start in on a third. This reading thing is easily becoming an addiction. Ah, well. Better this than say...crack or booze.
Next up, I'll be reviewing Sophie Kinsella's latest.